First chamber of commerce affiliates with Sakeliga


The business organisation, Sakeliga, proudly announces that the Waterberg Chamber of Commerce yesterday evening became the first local chamber of commerce to affiliate with Sakeliga. The affiliation forms part of Sakeliga’s strategic initiative at local level to collectively form the strongest business community in the country.

In terms of the memorandum of understanding between the two organisations it is envisioned that the Waterberg Chamber of Commerce will be known after a transition period as the Waterberg Sakeliga.

Piet le Roux, CEO of Sakeliga, says the purpose of affiliation is two-fold: “First, it promotes cooperation between different local business communities that have been isolated for too long. Consider, for example, the current electricity crises in local municipalities, where it is, time and again, up to local businesses to keep the lights on. With better coordination the legal and other costs to this end can be curbed, and efficiency enhanced.”

“Secondly,” says the Le Roux, “affiliations contribute to a positive business environment in general. Together, businesses are more influential, and can take a stronger stand against state intervention such as expropriation without compensation. Together, businesses have greater buying power, to negotiate discounts on strategic products and services. And together, businesses can develop and encourage private economic infrastructure in case of inadequate provision by the state – from electricity to private dispute resolution. None of these are simple matters or quick fixes, but they are examples of what is both possible and necessary. And, above all, in the public interest.”

Wiets Botes, chairman of the Waterberg Chamber of Commerce, says his members and board are looking forward to the relationship with Sakeliga: “We are proud to be the first local chamber of commerce to affiliate with Sakeliga. It is high time that local chambers of commerce start coordinating their efforts again. We encourage other chambers of commerce to join as well, so that, together, we may build the greatest business community this country has seen. We need to work together for a favourable business environment at the local and national level, in the interests of not only businesses but also of the public at large.

The announcement took place at a VIP-event of the Nyliefees, for sponsors, members and dignitaries from the Modimolle Local Municipality and wider Waterberg region. The Nyliefees, a local arts, crafts, music and industry festival, takes place from 14 to 16 September at Nylstroom High School and is an initiative of the Waterberg Chamber of Commerce.

Several other chambers

Since the announcement in July of Sakeliga’s local sakeliga programme several chambers of commerce have approached Sakeliga with a view to affiliation. Apart from Waterberg Chamber of Commerce, Sakeliga is already in discussions with eight other local business groups.

As part of its affiliation programme Sakeliga is currently undertaking development of its administrative systems, in order to make it available to local sakeligas for their own administration. The envisioned capabilities include, among other functionality, access for local sakeligas to membership management systems, communication systems and automated collection of membership fees.

Other chambers of commerce and business organisations who wish to also become involved with Sakeliga are welcome to send an email to [email protected].
