Building a powerful (and powered) business community 

Sakeliga KragDag Western Cape
Sakeliga KragDag Western Cape

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of Sakeliga to the first KragDag Western Cape. Our partnership with KragDag is one we cherish greatly. It embodies so much of what Sakeliga is all about: the coming together of a truly independent business community, creating value through trade, and building solutions that make us freer, more prosperous, and, importantly, state-proof! 

Amid devastating electricity shortages, KragDag offers a positive vision toward a world of affordable and abundant energy, provided not by a single, inefficient state company but by thousands of entrepreneurs using multiple energy technologies to meet the varied needs of their customers. 

That’s what “let’s build a power station!” means: taking energy independence back into our own hands and building the solutions from the ground up as we break our reliance on the state’s failing energy infrastructure. This “power station” is a network of businesses and communities creating an energy investment boom that, connection-by-connection, will make rolling blackouts something only found in history books. 

KragDag is one of the fastest-growing platforms for showcasing some of the country’s most innovative and independent-spirited entrepreneurs. Sakeliga supports this community by working for a more favourable business environment for our members and the communities in which they do business. We do this by opposing harmful economic policies and coordinating solutions where the state is unable or unwilling to solve common problems. We litigate to ensure the legal environment is as favourable as possible for doing business, to eliminate corrupt and incompetent governance of local economies, and to move the levers of economic control out of the hands of the state back to where they belong: in the hands of entrepreneurs, investors, employees, and customers. 

In the growing Sakeliga business network, we value freer and open markets; uncompromising protection of property; value-based, not racially-based business practices; responsive, honest governance fit for local conditions; and resilience to state failure. Sakeliga has, in recent years, successfully opposed BEE requirements in public procurement, resisted damaging lockdown policies and health regulations, stopped the unconstitutional use of state authority, achieved relief from municipal mismanagement, solidified the protection of private property, and more. 

We have proudly partnered with KragDag since 2018 and are delighted to see the event grow from strength to strength. Bringing KragDag to the Western Cape is the next chapter in this story, and we wish you a thoroughly enjoyable, inspiring, and fruitful time with us in Malmesbury. 

Russell Lamberti 
