FSCA preparing to demand BEE prerequisites from financial services providers

The FSCA and the BEE Commission signed a MoU to facilitate withholding licenses and prosecuting financial services providers operating below future stipulated BEE thresholds. Currently, such enforcement by the FSCA or BEE Commission would be unlawful, which is why they are eager to have the Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill (COFI, currently before Parliament) passed. […]

Air Services Licensing Council takes legal advice on its unlawful BEE requirements

The Air Services Licensing Council (ASLC) has asked Sakeliga for time to seek legal advice on a letter from our attorneys regarding its irresponsible and unlawful air service licencing processes. If proper, the advice will confirm to the ASLC that there is no basis in law for making race, transformation, or B-BBEE a prerequisite for […]

State unlawfully trying to make BEE a prerequisite for air services licenses

The Air Services Licensing Council (ASLC) is unlawfully threatening to withhold air services licenses from aviation business owners based on their race. In a letter from our attorneys, Sakeliga has urgently demanded that the ASLC immediately stops this unlawful and unconstitutional process. Sakeliga invites role players in the aviation industry who require more information on […]

Promotion of Equality of Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Amendment Bill, 2021

Sakeliga’s submission on the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Amendment Bill may be accessed here. Sakeliga’s interest in the  Amendment Bill springs from the bill’s implication for most everyday, including commercial, interactions and intercourse. This has significant implications for the market system and constitutionalism.

Policy radar: BEE compliance a requirement for property practitioners

On 19 September 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed into effect the Draft Property Practitioners Bill. This bill replaces the former Estate Agency Affairs Act (112 of 1976, as amended) and gives us greater insight into the future turns, the recipe, if you will, in the application of black economic empowerment (BEE) on highly regulated professions […]