AfriBusiness: White landowners also have rights

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The business rights watchdog AfriBusiness will approach the Constitutional Court if the Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill be passed by Parliament. In its current form the Bill will not pass Constitutional muster.

The proposed Bill will not only cause economic havoc in South Africa, but food security in the country will also be compromised. It will affect the property rights of all landowners, regardless of race or ethnicity, in terms of the categories of ceilings which the Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform (currently Gugile Nkwinti) may determine.

Furthermore, the Bill is so vague and open for interpretation that it leaves the door wide open for grave injustices to be committed. This is especially worrisome in light of the ANC’s most recent all-out attack against agricultural landowners (in fact, all property owners) by proposing the implementation of ludicrous land reform policies and bills.

“Politicians’ most recent statements in this regard are so worrisome that it is now clear that there is no dispute on the question of expropriation. Government will expropriate; it is now just a matter of when, and whether it will be with or without compensation. Taking these statements and the current increase of unlawful land grabs into account, it is clear that the rights of property owners are being trampled on simply because of the colour of their skin,” says Charles Castle, Manager at AfriBusiness.

Four steps are suggested to ensure that landowners enjoy a more secure right over private property:

  1. Familiarise yourself with current proposed bills, policies and amendments to legislation and ensure that you provide commentary when and where necessary. Participate in the democratic processes of the Republic of South Africa.
  2. Diversify your real rights over your property within the parameters of the current legislation. Seek legal and financial advice in this regard.
  3. Become part of your local community structures and organisations, such as AfriBusiness or similar organisations. A collective and united front is stronger than individual attempts.
  4. Support and participate in actions driven by organisations to fight the constitutionality of unfair and discriminatory bills, such as the current one.

AfriBusiness urges the public to submit comments to the Minister at [email protected] or [email protected], or deliver comments by hand at 184 Jeff Masemola Street, Pretoria. The organisation also urges the public to sign and submit commentary to the Minister as the period for public comment closes on 16 April 2017. The letter with attached commentary is available on AfriBusiness’ website at

#StopNkwinti by sending an SMS with “Land” to 32277 to assist us in the fight against the unlawful expropriation of land. Each SMS costs R1

