Business organisations oppose national vaccine mandates

Lawyers acting for Sakeliga and four other business organisations have sent a letter regarding the issue of mandatory vaccination to the Presidency. 

The letter states: ‘Our clients are opposed to state-driven mandatory vaccination policies and monitoring mechanisms such as vaccine passports, penalisation and exclusion of unvaccinated persons, and regulatory obligations on business to aid and enforce mandatory measures.  

‘We bring to your attention that our clients have not been consulted and that any process which purports to have done so, is flawed.  

‘It is therefore our clients’ request that government include our clients in its consultation process in order to ensure that all perspectives are recognised and considered.’ 

Business organisations represented by the letter include Agri North West, the National Employers’ Association of South Africa (NEASA), SAAI, Sakeliga, and TLU SA. 

The letter follows incorrect statements by the President, in his televised address on 28 November, indicating ‘broad agreement on the need for such measures (a state-driven policy of mandatory vaccination)’ from ‘business’, among others. However, blanket statements to the effect that ‘business supports’ a policy of state-driven mandatory vaccination and monitoring are false, misconstrues reality, and points at the very least to severe shortcomings in government’s consultation processes. In truth, there is significant opposition and disagreement not only among businesses, but in society in general about such measures. Moreover, until as recently as last week, the President himself had still maintained his earlier, explicit assurance that there will be no penalisation and compulsion for persons based on vaccination status.  

The letter is directed at the Presidency, the Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, and the Minister of Health. 

For the complete letter, click here. 

Sakeliga is in favour of voluntary vaccination campaigns, an end to lockdown policies, and a decentralised approach to risk management and healthcare according to the specific circumstances of organisations, companies, and persons. 

For comments, contact:

Piet le Roux 
Russell Lamberti 
